While in clinical
practice the normal duration of the menstrual flow is easy to establish,
lasting about 3 to 5-6 days, unfortunately the same cannot be said
regarding the average amount of the normal menstrual blood loss. This
means that, in the daily gynecologic practice, it is the patient who actually
tells and "establishes" if the volume of her menstrual flow
has increased or is reduced, and this is done by comparing it with her
usual own personal standard. Sometimes there is a rough comparison with
the menstrual bleeding of relatives or friends. Thus, there is often a
considerable subjectivity in this evaluation. Unfortunately, Gynecology
has failed to establish a reliable parameter for evaluating the daily
or total menstrual blood loss that could be easily applicable to clinical
practice. Maybe an experiment carried out with women who make use of menstrual
cups can give us some help ( as to menstrual cups, see the wonderful
"Museum of Menstruation and Women's
Health" ).
Prolonged and/or excessive menstrual
bleedings comprise basically two main groups: the functional and
the organic ones. The functional ( or dysfunctional ) excessive
menstrual bleedings have their main cause in hormonal or congestive
disorders, while the organic ones are mostly caused by fibroids
( uterine leiomyomata ), polyps and cancer. The association between some
excessive and/or prolonged uterine bleedings with some pre-carcinogenic
lesions and cancer obliges us to pay attention to all cases of hypermenorrhea
and menorrhagia - though, fortunately, most of them are due to entirely
benign causes.
Most functional ( or dysfunctional
) excessive menstrual bleedings are caused by hormonal disorders characterized
by absolute or relative hyperestrogenism due to a deficiency of progesterone.
Remember that, in the first phase of the normal ovulatory cycles, the
estrogens produce remarkable proliferative effects in the endometrium
that are, after ovulation and in the second phase, counterbalanced and
opposed by the anti-proliferative and secretory actions of progesterone
upon this tissue. As a result, the proliferative estrogenic endometrium
is turned into the secretory progesteronic endometrium. Nevertheless,
if there is a deficiency of progesterone due to luteal insufficiency or
mostly persistent anovulatory cycles ( in which there is no progesterone,
except in clinically non-significant minimal basal levels ), the proliferative
and unopposed effect of the estrogens alone will take place along the
entire cycle, being able to cause excessive thickenings of the endometrium
named endometrial hyperplasias. ( For luteal insufficiency, see Note
1, below. As to the anovulatory cycles, in which there is no
ovulation and no corpus luteum formation, resulting in the absence of
progesterone, see my article "Anovulatory
The hyperplastic and excessively
thickened endometrium does not desquamate ( shed its lining ) easily or
even completely at the end of the cycle, resulting in prolonged and/or
excessive menstrual bleedings. In a simplified and didactical way, we
may say that, in these hyperplasias, there is "too much endometrium
to desquamate" and, therefore, to bleed. In this way, most of the
dysfunctional menstrual bleedings are due to endometrial hyperplasias
resulting from a persistent estrogenic action upon the endometrium, and
this happens mostly as a consequence of anovulation. And, if the anovulatory
cycles last longer than the normal duration of the menstrual cycle and
the estrogenic production is normal or heightened, the possibility of
development of endometrial hyperplasias becomes greater, together with
the occurrence of hypermenorrhea and menorrhagia.
In spite of the frequent occurrence
of dysfunctional uterine bleedings throughout the entire women's fertile
years, their frequency is greater immediately after menarche and mostly
along the years that precede menopause. This is due to the higher incidence
of anovulatory cycles ( as well as luteal insufficiency ) in puberty and
pre-menopause. In puberty, anovulatory cycles and the defective luteal
phase result from the normal process of maturation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovaries
axis, whereas in pre-menopause their main cause is just the aging and
progressive depletion of the ovaries.
Almost all functional prolonged and/or excessive uterine bleedings due
to non-complicated endometrial hyperplasias cease with the administration
of progestins ( synthetic progesterones ) alone or associated with estrogens.
( Estrogens alone must never be given because they aggravate
the hyperplasias, and this must be quite clear.) The use of
a progestin like norethysterone in an adequate dose for approximately
10 days usually stops the dysfunctional bleeding in a few days, promoting
the secretory transformation of the hyperplastic endometrium and its normal
desquamation 3 to 4 days after the end of the series. If, in some cases,
the progestin alone does not succeed in stopping the bleeding, the association
of the progestin with some estrogen may help. Nevertheless,
as said above, estrogens alone must never, never be used.
For preventing the occurrence
of further episodes of hypermenorrhea or menorrhagia, the use of almost
all progestins ( or even natural micronized progesterone ) also for approximately
10 days along the second half of the cycle ( from the 16th to the 25th
day, for instance ) is advisable. The use of the combined hormonal
oral contraceptives is also indicated, since their balanced synthetic
progestin-estrogen association taken in series of 21 days with a 7 days
interval between the series prevents the development of endometrial hyperplasias.
That's why the use of the combined type of "Pills" reduces the
incidence of endometrial cancer, since some special kinds of endometrial
hyperplasias are precursors of this neoplasia.
Conversely, prolonged and/or
excessive uterine bleedings due to organic causes, like fibroids,
polyps and cancer do not respond to hormones. That means that they
do not cease or diminish with hormonal therapy, and this is also a very
important test in clinical practice, allowing us to know with a considerable
degree of certainty if an abnormal uterine bleeding is due to a functional
or an organic cause. Of course, there are exceptions and "in-between"
There are several kinds of hyperplasias
of the endometrium, as well as several classifications for them. These
endometrial alterations are studied based not only on the histological
architecture of the endometrial glands but also on the features of their
cells. Basically, for a didactic and practical purpose, endometrial hyperplasias
can be typical or atypical. The typical endometrial hyperplasias
are the most frequent ones and, fortunately, are histologically benign.
They comprehend the simple and the cystic glandular endometrial hyperplasias.
On the other hand, the atypical - or adenomatous - endometrial hyperplasias
do have an important relationship with the genesis of endometrial cancer.
For a long time these atypical
endometrial hyperplasias were classified in slight, moderate and accentuated
atypical hyperplasias of the endometrium. Among them, the accentuated
type basically corresponds to the adenocarcinoma in situ of the endometrium
( the first stage of endometrial cancer ). In this way, the management
of typical or atypical endometrial hyperplasias differs a lot. Nevertheless,
to speak of the treatment of the atypical endometrial hyperplasias
is not the purpose of this article. Endometrial cancer or adenocarcinoma
of the uterine corpus is more frequent in women above the age of 50, but
also may occur earlier. For that reason, any uterine bleeding in post-menopausal
women who are not on hormonal replacement therapy requires immediate and
careful investigation.
As to the aforementioned functional
congestive disorders that also may cause increased menstrual bleedings,
they are related to the pelvic congestion syndrome, characterized by variable
degrees of vascular stasis resulting on a persistent engorgement in the
female genitals, ligaments and near organs and tissues. There are also
other symptoms like pelvic and lumbo-sacral pain and discomfort, and the
condition may be due to sexual and psychosomatic problems. The main sexual
problem that may cause pelvic congestion seems to be persistent sexual
excitement without orgasmic response.
I also must emphasize the great importance of psychosomatic factors in
the origin or aggravation of almost all kinds of functional uterine bleedings,
hormonal and functional disorders in Gynecology. Here, the psychosomatic
influences are exerted mostly through the neuroendocrine and neurovegetative
pathways, the neuroendocrine being the most important one. Regarding this
subject, see "Clinical and Psychosomatic
Gynecology" and "Psychosomatic
and Symbolic Aspects of Menstruation".
As to the organic causes for prolonged and/or excessive menstrual bleedings,
the most frequent ones are the widely known uterine leiomyomatas or fibroids.
Nevertheless, not all kinds of fibroids cause abnormal uterine bleedings.
In order to cause hypermenorrhea and/or menorrhagia, fibroids must grow
towards the uterine cavity, protruding inside it, distorting its shape
and/or increasing its size. This causes compressive and congestive alterations
in the endometrium, leading to the excessive bleedings. Basically, there
are three kinds of fibroids, according to their position in the uterus:
the submucous, intramural and subserous ones.
Submucous fibroids are the ones that more easily cause uterine abnormal
bleedings, because they grow close and towards the uterine cavity, protruding
inside it and exerting a direct pressure upon the endometrium. Some of
them are even pedunculated ( growing on stalks ). Intramural fibroids
grow in the middle of the uterine wall and, therefore, need to reach a
considerable size in order to protrude inside the uterine cavity and cause
the bleedings. Nevertheless, the growth of multiple intramural fibroids
may cause a diffuse uterine enlargement accompanied by several distortions
and alterations in the shape of the uterine cavity, also resulting in
hypermenorrhea and/or menorrhagia. Subserous fibroids are those that grow
close and towards the uterine outer surface, distant from the uterine
cavity. For that reason, they do not cause menstrual alterations.
As in all cases of hypermenorrhea
and/or menorrhagia due to organic pathologies, abnormal uterine
bleedings caused by fibroids do not respond to the use of progestins
or progestin-estrogen associations. Nevertheless, sometimes there are
exceptions: cases in which the presence of the fibroids coexist with endometrial
hyperplasias due to hyperestrogenism. Cases like these are relatively
frequent and, in this way, the intensity of the abnormal bleedings may,
at least, be reduced with the use of progestins. This means that, sometimes,
cases of excessive menstrual bleeding whose main cause is attributed to
existing fibroids actually may have their main origin in hormonal disorders
and resulting simple endometrial hyperplasias, which can be treated with
The treatment of uterine fibroids
that undoubtedly are causing abnormal menstrual bleedings ( or even other
problems, depending on their position and size ) unfortunately remains
mostly surgical ( see Note 2, below.
) Even so, with the present-day great development of endoscopic surgery
( especially the hysteroscopic ones ), the operation treatment
of fibroids became much more conservative and less invasive and aggressive
than in the past. Submucous fibroids, for instance, presently are easily
removed with a hysteroscopic surgery, performed by introducing
a highly sophisticated endoscopic-surgical-optical device inside the uterine
cavity through the vagina. Endometrial polyps, another organic cause of
abnormal bleedings, are also easily removed by the same procedure ( see
Note 3, below ).
Fibroids ( or uterine leiomyomata
) are very frequent and fortunately benign tumors of the myometrium (
the uterine muscular layer ). They are formed by a mixture of smooth muscle
fibers and fibrous connective tissue and grow into nodules. Their possibility
of malignant transformation is extremely low and, for that reason, usually
is not considered in clinical practice.
Before finishing I would like
to remark that this is only an introductory and very brief article about
the extremely complex and intricate subject of the prolonged and/or excessive
menstrual bleedings. Because of this and considering not only the limitations
of an article written for the web but also the unimaginable extent and
complexity of the subject, this article cannot be regarded as a truly
specialized approach to menstrual disorders like hypermenorrhea, menorrhagia
and other abnormal kinds of uterine bleedings. Thus, this article is inevitably
too, too far from being complete, and I think ( and hope ) that this is
quite obvious to the readers. I also would like to remark that to speak
of the abnormal uterine bleedings due to endometrial cancer was not the
purpose of this article.
1: Luteal insufficiency is a condition in which the production
of progesterone by the corpus luteum is deficient. A deficient corpus
luteum, though producing low progesterone levels, may last the usual 12
to 14 days or less ( 7 to 10 days ). In the last case, there is a luteal
insufficiency due to a short luteal phase.
2: Sadly, the recent attempts at developing a medicinal treatment
for uterine fibroids have proved to be disappointing - at least on a long-term
basis and mostly considering its side-effects. As everybody knows, the
growth of fibroids depends on the estrogens, since these hormones are
the main responsible factors for the appearance and development of these
tumors. That's why the size of fibroids is naturally greatly reduced (
and some of them even disappear ) after menopause in women who are
not on hormonal replacement therapy. Based on this, a treatment with
Gn-RH analogues was developed in order to promote an intense blockage
of the ovarian function resulting in very low estrogen levels ( like those
existing in natural menopause ) and, consequently, in a considerable reduction
in the size of fibroids during the treatment. Nevertheless ( and
obviously ), the use of this medicine also produces great genital atrophy
and almost all signs and symptoms of menopause ( including even some degree
of osteoporosis ). For that reason, Gn-RH analogues cannot be used for
periods of time longer than six months. Despite the great reduction in
the fibroids' size obtained during the treatment, a few months after its
interruption and due to the subsequent return of the ovarian function
to normal, the fibroids grow up again. Because of this, this treatment
is only used in a few clinical situations.
3: As to hysteroscopy, it is also an excellent way of
establishing the exact cause of abnormal uterine bleedings, since it allows
a direct observation of the entire uterine cavity at high magnification
and, if necessary, to perform a biopsy with precision. Nevertheless, as
it is an invasive procedure, in my opinion, as a clinical gynecologist,
we only must recommend a hysteroscopy when it is absolutely necessary.
"Embolization" is a new procedure that is being developed
as an alternative to the surgical treatment of fibroids, though some of
its aspects remain somewhat controversial. Basically it consists on the
catheterization of the uterine arteries under radiologic control and the
introduction of a substance that temporarily blocks part of the uterine
blood supply, causing a partial necrosis of the fibroids. The problem is
that, together with the fibroids, there is also a necrosis of part of the
normal uterine tissues, implying some risks and possible considerable side-effects.
Nevertheless, a further development of the technique certainly will bring
us new perspectives in the conservative treatment of uterine leyomiomata.
Nelson Soucasaux is a gynecologist dedicated to
Clinical, Preventive and Psychosomatic Gynecology. Graduated in 1974 by
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, he is
the author of several articles published in medical journals and of the
books "Novas Perspectivas em Ginecologia"
("New Perspectives in Gynecology") and "Os
Órgãos Sexuais Femininos: Forma, Função, Símbolo
e Arquétipo" ("The Female Sexual Organs: Shape, Function,
Symbol and Archetype"), published by Imago Editora, Rio
de Janeiro, 1990, 1993.

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